Use only the latest version of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. Other browsers may not perform properly. Set the font to normal (100%).
URL: https://app.myice.hockey
Username: your registered e-mail address
Password: you will receive via e-mail from your admin
Forgot Password? Click on app.myice.hockey ‘Forgot password? ‘And enter your registered e-mail address. The system will send you a new password.
Change Password? Click on the ‘person icon’ at the top right and set a different password under ‘New password’. Press ‘save’.
Your age group (s)
Your age group(s) will be displayed in the upper left under the logo.
After the first login, you will first have to set your season (which you can adjust at any time): Settings – Season
Specify a start / end date for your summer and winter season.
Enter your ‘training sessions per week’ and ‘minutes per unit’ for on- and off-ice training sessions.
For more info, click Settings – Season in the Help section.
As a second step, fill the ‘free time’ module: Settings – Free time
We distinguish between ‘school holidays’ (‘can be trained’) and ‘training-free time’ (= can NOT be trained) as well as National Team (= some players may be absent)
Under ‘Action’, this data can be adapted or deleted at any time.
For more info, click Settings – Free time in the help section.
If you have set the conditions (season and free time), you can – but do not have to! – start with the ‘monthly planning’. You can schedule month by month or range by topic.
For more information, click Settings – Monthly planning in the help section.
Go to: Settings – Manage players
On the left (club player) you see all the players of your club. Use the ‘Search’ field to search for players (or years). Now add players to your selected age group (see logo on the top left corner):
– select the desired player(s)
– at the bottom click on the red ,+’
– the player(s) are now on the right in your age group
For more info, click Settings – Manage Players in the help section.
Note: if you want to add a new player to the club, click on Settings – Add players.
Now go to: Settings – Manage staff
On the left side (Club Staff) you see all the staff members of your club. Now add the staff to your selected age group (see the logo on the left):
– select the desired staff
– at the bottom click on the red ,+’
– the staff is now on the right in your age group
– add his function for this age group
For more info, click Settings – Manage staff in the help section.
Go to: Teams – Teams
Now create your as many different teams as you want for the selected age (see the logo on the left). Create a new team by clicking on the red ‘+’ on the right side in the middle.
For more information, click Settings – Teams in the help section.
Go to: Practices – Groups
Now create your own training group(s) for the selected age (see the logo on the left).
For more info, click Settings – Practices in the help section.
Go to: Trainings – Planning
Now create your practices for the selected practice group.
For more info, click Settings – Practices in the help section.
Caution: do not take this step until you:
– checked all players data
– have added all players to your age group
– have added practices
– have a clear communication strategy towards the players and parents (what do they have to know / what do you expext from them)
– feel comfortable with My Ice Hockey
Go to: Communication – Activation
Here are all your age group players listed. ARE THE E-MAIL ADDRESSES CORRECT? Check them again and – if necessary – adjust them right here!
If everything is correct, invite players to the Players Platform by clicking on the e-mail icon on the right.
The players now get an email with: URL, ID and PW.
Once logged in, your players will now see all planned trainings (and games, team interviews, etc.) and can fill-out their contact details (parents, school!).
For more info, click on Communication – Activation in the help section.
The My Ice Hockey Dashboard gives you an overall overview of:
• How many practices you have available this year. This number comes from the ‘Season’ module.
• The total practice time you have at hand. The practice time is set in the ‘Season’ module.
• How many on-ice practices you have planned under « season » (amount and in percent of the off-ice training sessions and in hours and minutes)
• How many off-ice practices you have planned under « season » (amount and in percent of the off-ice training sessions and in hours and minutes)
• Detailed analyzes of your summer season, pre-season, winter season (set under ‘season’) and the training-free time (set under ‘free time’)
Add teams
Start by pressing in the middle section on the right on the red square ‘+’ and enter a team name (age level is not required – this will be displayed automatically).
You can create as many teams as you want and edit or delete them at any time.
Add player(s) to team
On the left side (age level players) you see all players, which you have selected under ‘Settings – Manage players’. Select now those players, you want to add to the chosen team. You can do this by selecting one or more players and clicking on the red ‘+’ at the bottom. The players will now appear on the right side under the selected team.
Remove player(s) from team
Select player(s) on the right side and click on the red ‘trash can icon’ at the bottom of the screen. The player is now back on the left.
Adjust players data
Click on the ‘Name’ of the player and customize the player data (player profile, incl. Dossier).
Adjust the status
Click on ‘Status’ and adjust the players team status. Under ‘Notes’ you can enter details. The adjusted player is now being showed under « not available » in the lower part of the team site.
Note: Team status only affects the currently selected team.
E-mail features
Click on the ‘Email Icon’:
– communicate with your whole team
– just communicate with the healthy players
– communicate with your staff
– communicate with the parents
– communicate with previously selected players
-> you can also combine several options from above
If you click on the ‘Roster-Icon’ in the lower right corner, you will be taken directly to the Roster.
Standard line-up
If you would like to define this team as your default line-up for your games, click on the icon ‘Standard lineup’ in the top right corner. You can then retrieve this default listing under TEAMS – GAMES – LINE-UP – STANDARD LINE-UP.
The Roster gives you the typical Roster info. From here you can also click on the basic data of the players (click on the name).
DOSSIER (not yet live)
The following modules will be launched in the near future:
- Practice Valuation
- Player Statistics
- Practice Journal
- STAR Profile (SIHF)
- Weight and Height
- Valuations
- Feedbacks
- Team Tests
- Season Goal Setting
- Questionnaires
- Career Planning
- Medical Part
- Injuries
- School / Work
- Talks
- Parent Talks
STATISTICS (not yet live)
Here you will soon have many statistics available.
Here you will see all the employees you have registered under Settings – Manage Staff. If you click on the name, you can adjust the details. You can add new employees / assistants by clicking on ‘add Staff’.
Useful: under ‘notifications’, you can specify who is to receive the e-mail notifications (for example, practice notifications) and who is not.
The address book displays the following category:
- Contacts (Staff / others)
- Parents
- School
- Job
- Agent
If you click on a name, you can adjust the details.
REPORTS (not yet live)
Here you can add team reports soon.
CASH BOOK (not yet live)
Here you will soon have a simple cash book available.
MEETINGS (not yet live)
Here you will soon be able to save your meeting minutes.
Fill in your details for the summer, pre-season and winter season. Enter a start / end date and specify how long the corresponding practices take. Define the practices units per week – for on and off ice trainings.
Do not forget to press ‘save’.
These data can be adapted at any time.
We distinguish between ‘school holidays’ (‘can be trained’) and ‘practices-free time’ (= can NOT be trained) as well as the national team (= some players may be absent).
Under ‘action’, this data can be adjusted or deleted at any time.
Monthly planning is the anticipation of the coming season. What do you want to practice when and how? We distinguish between two practice variants:
1) Federation-near variant
2) Individual variant
1) Federation-near variant
The topics are divided into Key Elements (KE = 20 points) and Sub Elements (SE = 5 points). Now open the desired topic and drag a Key Element or a Sub Element into the desired month in the calendar.
In order to simplify your monthly planning, My Ice Hockey uses an ingenious algorithm. This calculates for you how many points and topics you should use during a season. The goal is that you have finished all areas to zero points. Then it is ensured that you have planned your season perfectly.
If the planning becomes confusing over time (there is quite a lot to plan!), simply click on ‘filter by topic’ – and you can concentrate on the individual topics.
2) Individual variant
Click on ‘Individual elements’ – so you leave the Federation-oriented planning and can start your individual planning.
Load your own individual main elements, elements and the description.
You can add a player to your club in three ways:
1) Single player
2) Mass Import
3) Players without club
Important instructions:
We distinguish between A and B licenses.
A = Main club. Can change basic data (date of birth, e-mail, license number)
B = Secon club. Can not change basic data.
An individual e-mail address must be mandatory per player. Also applies to brothers and very young players.
1) Single player
Manually add the required data.
Important: The fields marked with * are required.
2) Mass import
Please download the import template and read the ReadMe file.
3) Players without club
Here you can search for players without clubs and possibly add them to your own club.
Attention: A and B license problematic!
Here are listed all your imported or manually added players. Click on the name to change the player data. Here is also the only place where players can be removed from the club.
Note: From here, you add a player to one (or more) age groups. Select the player and click the red ‘+’ at the bottom left.
Here are listed all your imported or manually added staff members. Click on the name to change the staff data. This is also the only place where you remove staff from the club.
Note: From here, you add a staff of one (or more) age groups. Select the player and click the red ‘+’ at the bottom left.
The following modules will be launched during the summer of 2017.
- Practice Valuation
- Player Statistics
- Practice Journal
- STAR Profile (SIHF)
- Weight and Height
- Valuations
- Feedbacks
- Team Tests
- Season Goal Setting
- Questionnaires
- Career Planning
- Medical Part
- Injuries
- School / Work
- Talks
- Parent Talks
The scouting module will be available in autumn 2017.
Caution: do not take this step until you:
– checked all players data
– have added all players to your age group
– have added practices
– have a clear communication strategy towards the players and parents (what do they have to know / what do you expext from them)
– feel comfortable with My Ice Hockey
Go to: Communication – Activations
Here are all your age group players listed. ARE THE E-MAIL ADDRESSES CORRECT? Check them again and – if necessary – adjust them right here!
If everything is correct, invite players to the Players Platform by clicking on the e-mail icon on the right.
The players now get an email with: URL, ID and PW.
Once logged in, your players will now see all planned trainings (and games, team interviews, etc.) and can fill-out their contact details (parents, school!).
Note: if you have invited a player, the e-mail icon remains ‘closed’ until the player has successfully logged into the player platform. Afterwards the icon appears as ‘open’ and the player can not be invited again. If the player has forgotten his password, he can request a new password on the login page under ‘Forgot password’.
Par cette plate-forme, tu pourras:
- Voir toutes vos séances d’entraînement planifiées
- Voir tous vos jeux programmés
- Désinscription des pratiques (les entraîneurs seront informés par courrier électronique)
- Personnalisez vos informations de base (informations sur le joueur, votre adresse, les contacts des parents, de l’école et des agents, etc.)
- Enquêtes d’équipe
Important: utilisez uniquement la dernière version de Mozilla Firefox ou Google Chrome. D’autres navigateurs peuvent ne pas fonctionner correctement. Réglez la police sur la normale (100%).
Tu reçois par E-Mail tes données pour te loguer (contrôler le dossier SPAM !)
Utile: ajoutez le courrier électronique de l’expéditeur à votre carnet d’adresses local – avec cela, il est moins probable que le courrier électronique tombe dans le dossier spam.
ID: votre e-mail
PW: voir e-mail vous avez recu de votre entraîneur (de system My Ice Hockey)
URL: https://app.myice.hockey
Mobile: Ajoutez l’URL ci-dessus à l’écran d’accueil
Mot de passe oublié? Cliquez sur app.myice.hockey sur ‘Mot de passe oublie’. Entrez votre adresse e-mail enregistrée. Le système vous enverra un nouveau mot de passe.
Changer le mot de passe? Cliquez sur la «personne» en haut à droite et définissez un mot de passe différent sous «Nouveau mot de passe». Appuyez sur Enregistrer.
Vue d’ensemble
Sur le Dashboard, tu as une vue d’ensemble de tous les entraînements et matches pour lesquels tu es prévu.
Détails personnels
Adapter les informations du compte et enregistrer un nouveau mot de passe.
Adapter «Détails personnels», «infos joueur», «finances» et «plus de contacts».
Attention: Confirmer à chaque fois avec ‘update’.
Remarque: Remplir le plus de cases possibles afin que nous ayons des données complètes. Les données sont soumises à la protection des données et ne seront pas transmises.
Cliquez sur ‘entraînement‘ dans le menu à gauche. Vous pouvez voir plus de détails sur votre entrainments (groupe de formation, type de formation, etc.).
Très important: sous ‘Statut’, vous pouvez vous désabonner pour une entraînement. Cliquez sur le ‘petit crochet’ sous ‘Statut’, modifiez votre état d’entraînement et donnez une raison.
Par exemple : statut de l’entraînement: excusé; remarque: école.
Votre statut a changé maintenant et tous vos entraîneurs seront informés par e-mail.
Tu peux aussi te désinscrire pour plusieurs entraînements en même temps. Tu mets une coche dans l’entraînement respectif et tu cliques en bas sur le crayon. Ensuite, tu changes le statut et indiques la raison dans les remarques. Par exemple : statut de l’entraînement: excusé; remarque: voyage scolaire.
Les entraînements n’apparaissent ensuite plus dans la vue d’ensemble dans le Dashboard.
Over the online staff platform of My Ice Hockey, you can via PC / Mac / Tablet or your mobile phone:
- view all your planned practice sessions
- vies all your scheduled games
- unsubscribe from the practices (the coaches will be informed via e-mail)
- customize your basic information (player info, your address, contacts from parents, school and agents etc)
Important: Use only the latest version of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. Other browsers may not perform properly. Set the font to normal (100%).
You will receive your logins by e-mail. Check SPAM folder!
Helpful: add the sender e-mail to your local addressbook – with this, it’s less likely that the e-mail falls into the spam folder.
ID: your e-mail
PW: see e-mail
URL: https://app.myice.hockey
Mobile: add the above URL to the Home screen
Forgot password? Click on app.myice.hockey on ‘Forgot password? ‘And enter your registered e-mail address. The system will send you a new password.
Change password? Click on the ‘person’ at the top right and set a different password under ‘New password’. Press Save.
On the calendar, you have the overview of all the practices and games you have been scheduled for.
Personal details
Here you can customize your personal data and keep it up-to-date. Confirm changes with ‘Update’.
Staff info
Here you can enter your personal details.
Here you can deposit your bank and insurance information.
More contacts
Here you can enter the contact details. Please keep these data up to date!
Note: all data are subject to data protection and will not be passed on!
Click on ‘practices’ in the menu on the left. There you can see more details about your training than under dashboard (training group, training type etc).
Very important: Under ‘Status’ you can unsubscribe for a practice. Click on the ‘tick’ under ‘Status’, change your practice status and give a reason. Your status changed now and all your coaches colleagues will be informed via e-mail.
You can also unsubscribe at the same time for several trainings: You put a tick on the respective practice (left side) and click on the pen at the bottom of the page. Then, you change the status and give a reason.
The trainings will no longer appear on the dashboard overview.